Taylor Rhodes: Project Site

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«I dislike Gravy
«I dislike PC's
«I dislike Windows and Microsoft
«I dislike annoying people that don't know when to stop
«I dislike stalkers
«I dislike people who think judge crutially for what another believes in.
«I dislike people who gain enjoyment or happiness by hurting others. An eye for an eye. Do unto others as you wish be done unto you
«I dislike People who don't listen
«I dislike people who think they're smart just because they're an adult. Passing adolescence does not reward wisdom nor knowledge.
«I dislike Anyone that doesn't give me a chance when I ask for one
«I dislike people who swear thinking it makes them look tough. you all just sounds stupid
«I dislike those who disapprove of my style of speech or typing. You'll just have to get used to ME.
«I dislike people who Rob and Cheat others for a Living
«I dislike Teens who Don't like their Parents because their Peers Don't like their Own Parents
«I dislike people who do drugs
«I dislike people that Smoke
«I dislike people that claim they Can't quit smoking
«I dislike people that assume I think they look cool when they smoke. I have to Hold my breath when I pass you and take 3 showers when I return Home
«I dislike people that Openly make cruel jokes at others who are NOT close friends for the soul purpose of putting that person down.
«I dislike people that make jokes at their Close friends and Mean them completely in Unkind ways. I'm surprised you even have "friends" at all.
«I dislike policemen that look at me funny because I like to wear black beanies and fingerless Gloves
«I dislike ice skates that make my feet hurt
«I dislike anyone who Assumes I'm Racist
«I dislike dust
«I dislike my allergies
«I dislike Parents who don't take care of their Kids
«I dislike Parents who Don't know how to care for their Kids
«I dislike Kids who downgrade their parents behind their backs for Everything they DON'T have. Be Appreciative for what you DO have.
«I dislike people that don't play fair
«I dislike people that cheat in games and sports.
«I dislike people that are Unkind to Others for No Defining Reason
«I dislike people that hold Grudges
«I dislike people who mistreat my things
«I dislike people who mistreat ME
«I dislike people who continue to mistreat me when I say sorry, or ask forgiveness, or call Truce, or Try to be nice
«I dislike people who Don't ask me for Help if they know I'm capable of providing it
«I dislike Alarm Clocks
«I dislike creaky doors and buildings
«I dislike Dirty Public Restrooms
«I dislike leaving my home or Family on Sundays when i'm Not doing Church Related Things
«I dislike people who wake me from my naps... But only until I fall asleep again.
«I dislike people who take advantage of others
«I dislike Spam Emails
«I dislike Web Site Pop-ups
«I dislike nor understand why some Nerds make Virus's for Enjoyment, when they're most likely never really going to see the effects of their evil work, or when they Could be Making Useful things for the World with their Knowledge
«I dislike "Free Trials"
«I dislike things that bite
«I dislike Bee's, Wasps, Hornets, and Anything else that Flys and has a Needles on it's Butt... I have a Bad Childhood Experience. That's all you need to know...

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